Zárraga, Angel
Zárraga, Angel
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Zárraga, Angel
Femme Assise
Oil on canvas
41. 3 x 33.3 cm
Femme Assise
Oil on canvas
41. 3 x 33.3 cm
Dates in Paris:
1904; 1910; 1911-1941
Address in Paris:
Boulevard Arago (1912-); 49, Boulevard du Montparnasse (1915-)
Taught at Académie de la Grand Chaumière 1919-
1910 Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts
1911, 1912, 1913, 1925, 1928, 1931 Salon d'Automne
1920 (Jun. 8-22) Exposition Angel Zárraga Galerie Bernheim-Jeune
1921 (Oct. 26-Nov. 5) 2me exposition Angel Zarraga, Galerie Bernheim-Jeune
1925 Galerie Bernheim Jeune (group show)
1925 Galerie Devambez (group show)
1926 Exposition Angel Zarraga, Galerie Bernheim Jeune
1926 Salón du Franc, Musée Galliera, organized by Paris-Midi newspaper
1939 Galerie Silva Bruhns
1921-1926 decorated castle of Vertcoeur
1927 commission from Alberto J. Pani, minister of Mexico in France, to paint 12 allegorical panels for the reception hall for the Mexican Legation in Paris
1927? received Legion of Honor
frescoes for Our Lady of la Salette in Suresnes, Paris
mural Church of Minimos in Rethel
1934 Siclis built the Maison du Café on the Place de l’Opera, Zarraga painted fresco
1934 frescoes in the chapel of the sanctuary of Guébriant in Alta Saboya
1937 Via Crucis for the student chapel at the Cuidad Universitaria in Paris
1937 fresco on the fables of La Fontain in Meudon
1938 mural for the chapel of Martel de Joinville, Saboya, Paris
1938 initiated frescos for the Sociedad de Minas in the salons of the Compañía de Fosfatos de Constantina, Paris
1911, 1912, 1913, 1925, 1928, 1931 Salon d'Automne
1920 (Jun. 8-22) Exposition Angel Zárraga Galerie Bernheim-Jeune
1921 (Oct. 26-Nov. 5) 2me exposition Angel Zarraga, Galerie Bernheim-Jeune
1925 Galerie Bernheim Jeune (group show)
1925 Galerie Devambez (group show)
1926 Exposition Angel Zarraga, Galerie Bernheim Jeune
1926 Salón du Franc, Musée Galliera, organized by Paris-Midi newspaper
1939 Galerie Silva Bruhns
1921-1926 decorated castle of Vertcoeur
1927 commission from Alberto J. Pani, minister of Mexico in France, to paint 12 allegorical panels for the reception hall for the Mexican Legation in Paris
1927? received Legion of Honor
frescoes for Our Lady of la Salette in Suresnes, Paris
mural Church of Minimos in Rethel
1934 Siclis built the Maison du Café on the Place de l’Opera, Zarraga painted fresco
1934 frescoes in the chapel of the sanctuary of Guébriant in Alta Saboya
1937 Via Crucis for the student chapel at the Cuidad Universitaria in Paris
1937 fresco on the fables of La Fontain in Meudon
1938 mural for the chapel of Martel de Joinville, Saboya, Paris
1938 initiated frescos for the Sociedad de Minas in the salons of the Compañía de Fosfatos de Constantina, Paris
Louis Vauxcelles
Government Grant:
Agregado civil for the Mexican Legion in Paris
Sells Paysage in 1926 for 6700f; sold Nature Morte in 1928 for 6000f
“Zárraga, Angel,” Transatlantic Encounters: Latin American Artists in Interwar Paris, accessed March 13, 2025, https://transatlanticencounters.rrchnm.org/items/show/4748.